When I first got married, we moved into a new home that had a lovely window out back that overlooked a neighborhood lake. Every morning, I would get up and sit in the sweet spot to read my Bible, and I soon noticed that a beautiful duck liked to linger right behind our house. Every morning, the feathered creature would greet me and keep me company as I read. My sleepy self took a few days to comprehend that this particular bird would never waddle out of the water and come to meet me in person — because it was not a real duck. It looked very much alive, but it was a fake. Bruce gave me some fictitious explanation for its placement, but I later learned the bird was simply a marker to protect the area where our underwater drainage pipes emerged.
Have you ever been fooled by a fake before? James wants us to know what fake faith looks like so that we will not be duped and deceived. An active, vibrant faith will spill out into how we live. We won’t simply say we believe what God says – we will act upon it. A true follower of Jesus will not simply “talk the talk,” one who is truly born again will “walk the walk.”
Faith without works is likened to a lifeless corpse with no spirit. The Greek word for “dead” implies our spiritual life is inactive and inoperative. A fake faith is futile and produces absolutely nothing of value.
Real faith does not look away from a brother in need, but rather selflessly steps into the messy situation to help. Our mere sanctimonious words will never accomplish anything fruitful if we do not sacrificially take action and demonstrate our love and welcome others in to His grace.
A true believer lives out the resurrection by fighting for redemption in this world. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, He fills our hearts up with His peace. . . We die to our way and rise up to a new life where we walk forward and carry His message of salvation into this broken world. We will look like Jesus and act like Jesus so that the world knows Jesus is real.
Lord, I want to be a woman who lives a vibrant and active faith that makes a difference in this world with Your help. Forgive me for feeling “entitled” and making excuses for not being a “doer” of Your Word. Help me to remember how much I have received and be willing to share with others who are in need. Come alive in my heart and change me from within so that I walk out my faith in a way that pleases You. Amen
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